Working Girl (1988)

23:29 Unknown 0 Comments

I just love old movies, ok? Not that I hate new ones, but there is just something about the old ones, that is just so... dare I say fresh? New and not spoiled. Or at least not re-used in cinema these days.

Thoughts: So first I heard of this movie, actually, from "Bob's Burgers" (if you don't know what that is, first of all - how dare you, seconds - it is like one of the best animated series of our generation). So, the Belcher kids' were doing musical in their school, they couldn't decide - "Working Girl" or "Die Hard". They kind of mashed both, but it was hilarious -- 

Plot: This girl, Tess McGill, goes from job to job, working for biggest idiots, until she lands a job for Katherine Parker. Now she never had a lady boss, so it's a bit of a cat-fight behind smiles. Tess pitched an innocent businesses idea for Katherine, she just laughs it off and everything goes back to normal. Until Katherine broke her foot in the skiing accident and asks Tess to take care of some stuff. While attending Katherine's place, she finds out that  Katherine tried to pass Tess' idea as hers. Tess is mad and decides to work on her own, by.. pretending to have Katherine's job. 

Actors: Now this has a very high class cast. Melanie Griffith (I didn't even recognize her, until she cut her hair in the movie. And she does look a lot like Molly Ringwald then), she was soooo flat and boring. Gosh, emotionless doll. Seemed like she was reading her lines, like doing an SNL sketch.  Then it had always lovely Sigourney Weaver. Now she is top class, flawless. The main love interested was performed by Harrison Ford (not very believable if you ask me). A shout-out to lovely Alec Baldwin and Joan Cusack (was surprised not to see John Cusack  as they seem to share movies all the time). Oh and, David Duchovny, did you honestly thought no one gonna notice you standing there in the background? Yeah, guess again.. ;D 

What I liked: It was woman-power time! Girls can do business! Girls can be smart! Girls can have ideas! Yay for that that. You go girls. The whole uplifting atmosphere of this movie was like a breath of fresh air. Loooved the soundtrack, the main song ""Let the river run" won an Oscar, so. And Joan Cusack. She was just adorable. Honestly, one of the best supporting actress out there. 

What I didn't like: Have you seen the fashion in 80s??? Mullets? Baggy clothes? Make-up? Yeah. That. And Harrison Ford as a love interest? Oh my... well, maybe he was something(=hot) after the Star Wars, but that was back in 70s (I just checked IMDB, and yes, this is the only romantic lead mr Ford done, ever. So I was right about that one.) Seriously. Alec Baldwin was so much better looking back then. 

IMDB rating - 6,7. Yeah, I agree, 6 is decent rating for a rom-com that this is. Though, it stood the test of time and now is considered somewhat a cult-classic as well. 

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