Inside Out (2015)

20:51 Unknown 0 Comments

I was so hyped about this movie ever since I first heard about it! Such a interesting unique idea from pixar. Another great hit!

Plot: It's a story about little girl named Riley and her emotions. There is Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear and Anger. They all live in Riley's head and are responsible for her emotions. They make memories, form Riley's personality and just generally wants her to be happy. Joy is dominant emotion. But when Riley and her family moves from Minnesota to San Francisco, Sadness sort of stars to kick in, and Joy is not very happy about it.

Cast: So many unique and wonderful people worked on this piece! Like Amy Poehler for Joy or Mindy Kaling for Disgust - that is just perfect! I really enjoyed Phyllis Smith (she is from The Office, in case you're wondering), she was perfect! Bunch of great names as well as Bill Hader, Kyle MacLachlan etc!

What I liked: Where do I start??? How SMART was that movie? Wow, the authors considered every little detail about human emotions, brain, thoughts... everything! How does memory works, how are they formed? What emotion do they reflect? Imagination, dreams, and, the sad part, how human brain deletes lots of memories, lots of moments, imaginary friends... Some really, really smart and educated people worked on this and it makes me soooo happy.
Also it was cool, that every emotion was reflecting something, like, Joy was supposed to look like star, Sadness like tear drop, Anger like a brick, Disgust like broccoli and Fear as nerve (see the poster above).
I loved how they produced brain. There they had subconsciousness dungeons; dreams productions, with scripts and actors and everything Hollywood-ish; Thought trains; personality islands; little brain workers that dispose old memories; even imaginary boyfriends... ahh so perfect!

What I didn't like: I hated that Joy was so dominant! She was everywhere! Every memory has to be happy according to her! She didn't like if it was anything else. Give other emotions a chance! They are important as well. The message of this movie was suppose to be, that it is ok to be sad sometimes, not to be happy all the time. IT IS OK! We need all kind of memories, all kind of things in our lives!
Also, I may or may not cries during this. Yeah...

IMDB ratting - 8.5, but it was so good, I might raise to 9.5. Yup, that good. 
And this is really cool thing, that shows how emotions overlaps. 

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