The Spectacular Now (2013)

22:39 Unknown 0 Comments

Been a while, as I said before - tv series time right now, tho I feel guilty, that I can't seem to find time for a movie once in a while.

Plot: Sutter Keely lives for a moment. He does not think of future, college or family or whatever. He's vitty, charming, well-meaning guy. He meet Aimee after one black out drunk episode, quickly befriends her, eventually she becomes something more. 

Thoughts: Ok, at first I thoughts it's going to be another heartwarming love story, but it was actually very real and down to earth story about, you know, everyday flawed people. Too depressing at time, if you ask me, but very... human. It deals heavily with Sutter's character being an alcoholic, constantly drinking, slowly turning Aimee to an alcoholic as well. I felt really bad for her, for being so naive and trustfull, like, girl, he's sooo wrong for you. 

Actors: I've read somewhere, that actors like Shailene Woodley just sort of comes out of nowhere and we are sort of pushed to like them?? I do't know.. I don't find her or even Miles Teller that special. She's cute and sweet and all, but I think it is a very odd choice to make Miles a love interest. I was happy to see the beautiful Mary Elizabeth Winstead. 

What I liked: The unexpected tone, that the story was told, like they totally fooled me, by presenting this story as happy and care free. I mean loo at that poster! Doesn't it look nice? 
I loved the ambiguous ending, it really could end in every possible way, so that's nice. It can end happily, if you want to.
I loved that the movie proposed some great philosophical thoughts about "living now". Is it really a good thing? Really great coming of age movie. Really captures the teenagers nowadays. 

What I didn't like: At parts this movie was really sad and dark, and I don't think I can justify or even explain the actions that some characters did. Some plot points were kind of shaky (that car accident really took me unguarded). So yeah, not that much bad things, huh? 

IMDB was very generous this time - 7.2! I'd say I agree, it's like a 7 for me as well. 

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