Ruby Sparks (2012)

23:00 Unknown 2 Comments

I don't know if you ever heard of this movie, I mean I just spotted it on tumblr, just a simple production still of a guy leaning over his typewriter with caption "OH MY GOD THIS IS MY FAVOURITE MOVIE EVER". You know, I raised my eyebrow, like "hmm, I've never even heard of it and it is someone's favourite movie". I should at least check it out.

Plot: This young writer struggles with what appears to be writers-block. While sleeping, he dreams of this girl, he's talking to her, she's sweet and interesting. Basically just Zooey Deschanel of everything. Inspired by her, he wakes up and stars writing. Imagine his surprise, when one morning he finds her in his kitchen making breakfast. 

Actors: I'm just gonna say that Paul Dano and Chris Messina are nooo waaaay loking like brothers. I mean no way. Bad, bad choice to make them brothers. Zoe Kazan is cute, I remember her from "What If" with Daniel Radcliffe, which reminded me of type casting, cuz she was playing exactly the same type of girl. I was surprised to see Antionio Banderas in a movie like this. Fun fact: Paul Dano and Zoe Kazan are dating in real life. Aww, that is so cute. Though, at one point I thought "what a weird casting thing, to pair these two, hmm", but hey, this is even better.

Writing & directing: After watching this movie, I was curious who made it (I should always check that). Honestly, what didn't surprise me was that it was directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, since they did "Little Miss Sunshine", one of my favourite movies ever. It features the same actor (Paul Dano) and it kind of has this distinctive feeling about it. Not the story telling, but just feeling. And the poster, in "Little Miss Sunshine"they were running, and they are sure running it this one as well. Maybe just a coincidence, I don't know. Oh, and the writing. What surprised me was that it was written by the main actress Zoe Kazan. I don't know, it was kind of Zach Braff type of moment for me, where he would literally write and direct his own movies. But who knows, maybe she's a very good writer and she's just starting to show what she can do.

What I liked: Oh, I loooved how quickly this movie turned from sweet and cute, to creepy and very dark. I would not have guessed it. So cool, I love how diverse this movie was.
I drooled over the typewriter, I always wanted one, even though I don't know what I would write. Anything, grocery lists or something. I loved music. "Ca plane pour moi"by Plastic Bertrand was playing and I love that song so much. Like, it always makes me happy. It is impossible to listen to that song and feel down.

What I didn't like: I honestly don't know. It wasn't a perfect movie or anything, but I feel like I pretty much enjoyed the movie a lot. I mean, the main character was very selfish and disturbed in a way, but I'm glad of his development through-out.  Oh oh, I know what I didn't like -- the name "Ruby Sparks". That's one fake-ass name. What kind of real person, on their right mind would be named Ruby Sparks??? (*ignores the fact that Fox Mulder does not exist as well*). And doesn't Paul Dano looks like Shane Dawson? A LOT.

Colours: I feel like I have to talk about the colours in this movie a bit, because it makes such  lovely contrast. Calvin, the main character, is plain, he lives in a white house, all his clothes are tone-down soft colours. While Ruby is bright, she has red hair, she wears coloured pantyhose, always with cute colourful dresses or skirts. We never see her home, but she lights-up, when Calvin takes her to see his parents and they live in very lively and colourful home.

MDB gave this 7.2, but I highly believe it would past as a solid 8. Not your typical love story, someone who loves fiction and fantasy might like it as well.


  1. Hi sweetheart! I love your blog, I kinda feel it was the time to start with it :) I must admit I havent seen any of the movies you have talked about, but this one and Minions were on my "to watch list" (and this one only because of Chris Messina <3 ). I guess I will give a try to all of them as I really trust your likes :) Unless you dont recommend them xDD

    1. Thank you, sweety!
      Out of all them, you should definitely watch this one first! So good! ♥
